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PhotoELF's Mission Statement:

Provide a software package that delivers easy to use tools to accomplish the digital photographer's daily photo manipulation needs, make it easy for the beginner, but provide plenty of advanced features for the professional, continue to grow PhotoELF's set of tools based on customer feedback, and make the software 100% fully functional, (no crippled features that nag the user to pay more to get them).

PhotoELF has been on the market since 2001 and continues to follow these principles successfully.

PhotoELF Software Diagram

PhotoELF's main program (in the middle) is the launching point for all activities. From the main viewer, you can organize and view folders of photos quickly, displaying thumbnails or the full view of single photos. Click from picture to picture with no "File Open" box to navigate. While in the main program, you can:
  • Batch Process Photos
  • Launch the Editor
  • Launch the Print Page Layout Window
  • Launch the Video Player
  • Launch the Photo Album Wizard
  • Launch the EXIF Viewer/Editor
All the different functions easily interconnect to pop from one feature to the next and utilize the tools with efficiency.

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What PhotoELF is:

PhotoELF is a digital image toolbox with hundreds of features.
Click to see a list of features

Many software packages exist that only print photos, only edit photos, or only batch resize and process photos. Some packages may create website photo albums, but not offer EXIF information or the ability to edit it. Still others will only do slideshows or view and organize photos. And then there are a few that only play videos or extract frames. Paying for and juggling all of the software packages needed for all of those features is incredibly costly and confusing. Yet, most people want and need the functions listed above.

What sets PhotoELF apart from the rest is that it has all of these features, rolled into one easy to use software package.

PhotoELF is the "digital camera software companion", and delivers all the features a user may need to accomplish their digital photography goals, on a daily basis.

PhotoELF is not about transposing your sister's head with your dog's head, or fooling others by placing yourself in front of the pyramids on a make-believe trip. We leave those things to the "very expensive" editing suites.

PhotoELF is about the most wanted, most needed and most used features, day-in and day-out.

Many of our customers have emailed us to say they had eight photo editing packages on their computer to accomplish their daily goals. Once they found PhotoELF they uninstalled all of them except PhotoELF and one other software program like Adobe Photo Shop. They use Adobe to do hard core editing and PhotoELF for all other features.

PhotoELF is not your typical photo editing software package. PhotoELF is a workhorse. It isn't cute and cuddly. It is a tool. A veritable Swiss army knife of digital photo tools wrapped up into one software package.

Digital photography makes it easy for people to generate thousands upon thousands of photos. Our customers rely on PhotoELF to help them deal with that many photos on a regular basis. From the home user to the professional, there are a number of tools in photoelf that will satisfy any digital photographer.

Here are just a couple of the hundreds upon hundreds of emails we have received:

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PhotoELF ™ All Rights Reserved. Big Lake, MN USA 763-263-2989